What is 42?

42 is the #1 Tech and coding school worldwide. Its success is mostly justified by the innovative and disruptive educational model, based on a peer-to-peer, project-based, and gamified learning system. Founded in Paris in 2013, 42 is present in more than 40 cities worldwide, offering anyone over 17 years old the opportunity to learn to program for free. Despite having many students who joined 42 without any prior code experience, the school’s employability rate is 100%.

What is "Peer to Peer" learning?

Peer-to-peer learning is an education model where students learn from each other instead of an appointed teacher. It emphasizes critical thinking, teamwork, and communication. Students also evaluate each other and learn from explaining their approach to peers.

While we understand that people may have inevitable obligations, we would highly recommend limiting them or making other arrangements in order to be on-site as much as possible during this time.

What is project based learning?

In project-based learning, students gain a deeper knowledge of a subject through active exploration of real-world challenges and problems. They learn by doing and thinking critically, rather than by following instructions and memorizing.

Can I apply if I’m under 18 years old?

If you are over 18 years old or will be by the end of January of this year, you are eligible to apply. Otherwise, please wait until you meet the age requirements.

What is check-in?

The Check-in is a phase in which candidates visit 42 Beirut to get to know the school, the methodology, and the environment in which they may study. A candidate can only register for the Piscine after having passed the Check-in phase. Several Check-in and Piscine dates are made available throughout the year. All these dates will be communicated to the selected candidates from the online tests so that they can choose the date that is most favorable to them. Besides the on campus Check-ins, which are preferable, we also offer remote Check-ins from time to time.

Can I transfer to another 42 school?

Students must study at the campus where they completed the Piscine. If a campus transfer is needed before the Piscine, please contact us as soon as possible so that we migrate you into the Beirut application system. If you have passed the games, you won’t have to play them again.

After you complete the first part of the curriculum you will have the opportunity to change campus if you decide to move.


Why would I choose 42 over a traditional college or university?

42 Beirut offers a program that is 100% practical and focused on coding. You’ll work in teams and write code every day. In a study conducted by ‘Stack Overflow’, 54% of software engineering (Informatics”) graduates rated their study-content as outdated, and that self study is required to be able to start a career in coding. At 42 Beirut, students are immediately learning the principles of coding, while content is being updated on a regular basis. During the specialization phase of your studies, you are exposed to fresh, practical projects (AI, app development, operating systems, security), which allows you to build a portfolio of your work in advance of a job interview.

What prerequisites do I need to meet to get into 42 Beirut?

You must be at least 18 years old, register on our website and pass a two-hour online test consisting of cognitive games that test memory and logical thinking. You don’t need to have programming skills, just an aptitude to programming. If you succeed, you will have to pass the final hurdle: the Piscine – our month-long selection process. ‘Piscine’ is a stationary process and takes place at 42 Beirut campus in Lebanon.

Is the program completely free?

Yes it is. We will not charge you before, during or after your studies. Our mission is to ensure that everyone has access to education, no matter their previous level of education or financial situation. Money should not stand in the way of your passion and dreams!

Why are there no teachers in the 42 School?

42 Beirut adopts a teaching method based on peer learning. In this way, learning takes place through practice and the projects to be carried out. To progress, you can only rely on yourself and the strength of the group. You have to give, but also receive: you are both trainer and apprentice!

How long is the training?

The duration of the training is generally 3 years. It will depend on your pace; you can do the training full-time or combined with part-time work.

Does 42 deliver a bachelor's degree or another type of diploma?

Students get a 42 certificate whenever they decide to end their training, and the certificate features the highest level that they completed. The Certificate shows that this student studied at 42 and provides grades/competency in various subject matter.

In addition, Upon attaining Level 17 (42) and Level 21 (42), students may apply to obtain the RNCP Level 6 and 7 respectively. The “RNCP titles” are registered in the “Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles (RNCP).” This certification is recognized throughout Europe as validation of the acquired professional skills. Level 6 of the European nomenclature is equivalent to a Bachelor’s Degree and Level 7 is equivalent to a Master’s Degree.


Do I need to know how to code to apply?

You don’t need to have any coding experience to start learning at 42 Beirut. Around 50% of the 42 students worldwide did not have any coding experience before diving in the Piscine, and they still achieve extraordinary results. You can be like them!

I already code. Why should I apply?

42 Beirut offers a world-class program that challenges students through projects of gradual complexity. Each exercise is unique and requires you to think outside the box – along with other talented and motivated students. Everyone has a rewarding experience while attending our school, whether they have prior programming skills or not. More than learning to code, at 42 Beirut, you’ll develop your teamwork skills, adaptability, problem-solving, communication, resilience, autonomy, and responsibility.

Do I need to be good at Maths?

You do not need to be good at math to be successful in the 42 Beirut program. While having strong mathematical skills can be helpful when coding, the most important skill you need is logic. Being good at logic and reasoning can be much more beneficial towards the success in the program.

How can I apply?

Our application process is open 365 days a year. Go to the application website and, after completing the registration, play the two online logic games. The first one lasts for about 4 minutes and the second one for about 2 hours.

If you pass, you’ll be invited to our check-in stage. It’s a 2 hours meeting on the campus to know the school, the method, the team, and other candidates like you. This is mandatory!

Finally, you will be able to get a slot in the Piscine. It is a 4 weeks event where you will learn a lot about programming, teamwork, and about 42. If you complete this phase successfully: congratulations, you are in!

Do I need to come to Beirut to apply?

The online test in the application process can be taken from anywhere in the world. However, you will need to be present during the Introduction meeting to confirm your identity.


Why is the selection process called The Piscine?

The word “Piscine” is French for “swimming pool”. Everybody dives into the deep end of coding and learns how to swim together. It is an intense 4-week trial period where you’ll discover the basics of programming from scratch. It comes with single-day modules, peer evaluations, weekend group projects, and machine exams. Don’t see it as a competition, however. There is no fixed number of applicants to be selected, and collaboration is one of the key aspects of 42.

Do I need my own laptop for the piscine ? How about the studies?

Yes, each student will have access to a computer.

If I pass the Selection Pool, do I need to enroll in the school the same year?

Yes. The beginning of your studies are a continuation of the Selection Pool, so it is much better for you to continue the learning process. Also, if you know you might not be able to enroll in the school right after the Selection Pool, it would be fair to leave the spot from someone who is eager to start.

If I fail the Piscine, can I take it again?

Yes, you can try the Piscine again; however, you must respect a 1-year time limit before you can do it again. If you fail again, it will not be possible to try again.

How long do I need to be available during the Piscine?

To be successful at 42, you will need to invest a large amount of time in your activities on campus (during the pool it is, on average, over 60 hours a week and during the normal day it is on average 40 hours). Because of this, working and attending 42 at the same time can be exhausting, so keep this in mind.

What if I want to leave the pool early?

No problem. Candidates are free to leave the process at any time. The pedagogical staff would only be very grateful if you shared your reasons. Who knows? Sometimes talking straight to someone about it can change your mind.


What am I going to learn

You start by learning the fundamental programming concepts and the foundations of the C language. As you evolve, you will begin to venture into UNIX, graphic programming, and web programming. After that, the curriculum includes projects with more in-depth knowledge in several areas: Object-oriented Programming, Mobile, Functional Programming, Web Security, Reverse Engineering, Malicious Code, Kernel Programming, Network Programming, Artificial Intelligence, 3D among others. Each student’s experience is unique, as you are free to choose between numerous projects and different paths according to your interests.

Can I have access whenever I want?

At 42 Beirut, the campus is open 24/7 to allow each student to be able to advance the program at their own pace, in the hours that are most practical for them. This way, you can use the campus whenever you want, entering and leaving without any problems. You can also count on a campus security guard around the clock.

How is the journey gamified?

At 42 Beirut, the progression in the program happens by obtaining points, as if it were a game. With these points, you level up and unlock new projects and learning paths. Your level defines how far you have progressed through the program, so the more points you earn, the further you get. After level 7, you enroll in your first internship and then you can start choosing your specialization path, on your way to level 21!

How is the program structured?

The 42 Beirut program is divided into 4 stages:

Common Core– Learn the fundamentals of programming by developing the first projects. During this stage, it is crucial that you are able to commit at least 20 weekly hours to 42. You can finish the curricular part of the Common Core in a period between 16 to 24 months.

Professional Experience – Apply the knowledge acquired at 42 in the real world with a professional experience lasting between 4 to 6 months.

Master – Explore and deepen your knowledge in more specialized projects and with larger teams. The average duration is approximately 1 and a half years, but yet again, you are the one who defines your time scale.

Final Professional Experience – Minimum 6 months.

In what language do students learn?

All of 42’s content and projects are available in English. English is an important language to be able to thrive in the digital world and we want our students to think globally. At 42 Beirut we use English as our common basic language to enable foreign speakers to participate and contribute, and to empower local-speakers to work internationally.

Who will evaluate the quality of my projects?

The projects will be evaluated by your fellow students using guidelines from 42. You will learn how to deliver and receive ‘code reviews’, feedback on the software that you develop.

Can I study part time? Can I work during my studies?

You will be able to create a schedule that works best for yourself. However, it can be challenging to balance work and studies at 42 Beirut, as the program requires a significant time commitment of up to 40 hours per week. Based on the experiences of students at other 42 campuses who have tried to juggle work and study, it is not recommended to try to do both at the same time.

Is it possible to study remotely?

Because we emphasize the power of peer-to-peer learning, it is highly recommended that students complete their studies at 42. It is possible to do some research or experiments remotely from your personal computer, but you won’t have access to the school’s resources.

Can you take breaks during the program?

Though it is not recommended, you can freeze your course. During the Common Core, you will have the possibility to freeze your course a total number of 3 times for a maximum period of 180 days: meaning, if you freeze it for 180 days at the first time, you won’t have other opportunities to freeze it. This tool is called Anti Gravity Units – AGU, and it will only be made available once you finish the first 4 projects of your course, something that you should be able to accomplish in your first 4 months at the Common Core.

42 Beirut has a team that is available to help you the best way possible to structure and plan your progress at the course.

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