Since its creation in 2013, 42 has always been committed to offering the best and most cutting-edge IT training to its candidates. Our unique position in the world of higher education is based on strong values: timelessness, inclusivity, tuition-free, and always aiming at excellence. The ultimate goal is sustainable professional integration into the labor market.


No degree required
No courses. No teachers. No classes.
A global network of excellence
No prior experience in coding required
Generally 3 years
Not just a job: a career
Promotes Social skills

We believe that you should not have to pay for sustainable professional integration. At 42, there are no hidden application, registration or hardware fees before, during or at the end of the curriculum. Money is not a selection factor. This commitment allows us to attract various profiles with diverse journeys and motivations to learn programming.


Everyone can code and work in IT. We refuse gender stereotypes and welcome atypical profiles and people looking to branch out from a former path, in retraining or from disadvantaged backgrounds. We fight discrimination on a daily basis. Diversity is a strength that allows us to face ever-growing challenges together. Once you have reached majority, there are no age restrictions to apply to 42.

No degree required

Selection for entry at 42 is a positioning test that is not based on an academic record, standard test scores or a degree. We invite candidates who pass the first registration steps to spend a month with us in order to discover the way we work. This period offers them an opportunity to determine for themselves if 42’s methods suit them. Even though we do welcome those who are no longer in school, we don’t encourage our applicants to stop their current studies. All applicants under 18 are required to have a high school degree or an equivalent.

No courses. No teachers. No classes.

Thanks to its innovative teaching methods, 42 proposes high-quality training without having to resort to lectures. Unlike traditional methods, students learn coding through peer-to-peer methods. This means that students learn from and with each other. The pedagogic staff is always present to support and motivate the students, rather than to teach. In order to progress at 42, teamwork is required. You have to rely on the community to learn things that you then have to share with others. You don’t learn programming by copying algorithms and codes on paper!

A global network of excellence

To seize opportunities wherever they may be, 42 is opening up globally through its network of partner campuses in France and around the world. All the campuses are connected to mutualize their programs, knowledge and paths. After the core curriculum, you may continue your studies at one of the Network’s campuses abroad to benefit from International experience.

No prior experience in coding required

The 42 training is complete. It starts from scratch for every student. You can apply to 42 even if you have never coded in your life. Though ambitious, the training course allows anyone who takes it to find a job and a career in IT.

Generally 3 years

We believe that laying the foundations of programming should happen in the pace and rhythm that matches with the students. Therefore, 42’s projects are not limited in time. Next to that, the only consequence of failing a project, is that you can try it again! Some students might move faster than others through the curriculum for this reason. Though, on average, our students reach level 21 in 3 years.

Not just a job: a career

The training at 42 will not only grant you a job, it will prepare you for building your career. At 42, you embark on a journey where you will develop the skill of learning how to learn, which will help you keep growing professionally. Rather than offering a series of short training courses about specific technologies and languages that will quickly become obsolete, at 42 you learn how to learn throughout your life in order to adapt to new technologies yet to be developed. With this skill acquired, you will remain up-to-date for the jobs of tomorrow.

Promotes social skills

42 understands that each person is unique. Therefore, the training supports exchange, rewards sharing, and advocates concern for others. The school adapts to the pace of each individual. Through the teachings received at 42, students develop their social skills to become more than just experts in their fields.